Monday, April 24, 2017

Talking With God by Adam Weber


   As a Christian we are told we have access to God. This means we can talk to Him. When we do this it is called prayer.
   Most of us don’t do it properly. Not that there are necessarily better or best ways to do it. There are just easier ways to do it.
   Weber suggests a simple answer. Look on it as talking to a friend.
Don’t make a big deal about the conversation. Don’t be like a song leader whom I am aware of who is always saying Lord and God and Father every other sentence when she leads prayer in service. You wouldn’t do that to your friend, so why do it with God?
   There is also no formula of words or sentence structure, Weber seems to point out.
   This presentation is written in a chatty way and is enjoyable to relax with.
   The structure is fifteen chapters divided into four sections which include how to pray and the way to pray. As noted above it is not hard to digest.
   Weber is a pastor at a church that has many campuses. He has been blessed with the ability to handle this subject in a way we can read it and come away with insights. He puts the cookies on the bottom shelf, so to speak.
   I highly recommend it as a primer and suggest it be made available for small groups.
   This book was sent to me gratis by Blogging for Books for the purpose of a review and inclusion in a book blog. It is published by WaterBrook and retails for $19.99.
   Adam Weber can be reached at

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