Monday, February 23, 2015

Spiritually Strong by Kristen Feola

     Just as we exercise our bodies we need to exercise our spiritual, financial aspects of our being and our diet. The reason is we are three part beings in our construction. 
     When we were created we were created body, soul and spirit. Each part is dependent on the other to be completely operational.
      In the physical realm we have a core set of muscles to our body. There is also a spiritual core everyone has. We can call these the heart, soul, mind and strength. When they are in shape we can as God leads us. Left to atrophy, it can keep a person from developing a full potential for God.
     This book is written for Christians and is given to firm up the total person.
      It covers such areas as Bible study, prayer, fasting, living for others, how to handle your money, how to eat right.
      Feola who is a personal trainer divides this book into three parts. In the first part she talks about the core. In the second part she presents the exercises to firm up the core. In the final part she suggests a program that can be followed for a six week period of time.
       I recommend d this book for those who need a printed program to stick with. Not all of us are disciplined enough to go it on our own with no instruction book to hold us accountable.
       This book was sent to me for the purpose of reviewing. It was sent free from The views expressed are those of the reviewer and don’t reflect the publisher’s.
      Anyone wishing to buy the book can use the link below.
Spiritually Strong: The Ultimate 6-Week Guide to Building Your Body and Soul

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Healthy Mind Cookbook by Rebecca Katz

    My wife is a cook and I was intrigued by the concept of this cookbook. It seems the food we eat has a direct effect upon our brain.
     Eat poorly and our brain suffers,. Eat healthy and wonders are possible.
     Our brain is only three pounds of what is mostly fat with 100 billion neurons. What we need to realize is there is a food-brain connection.
     Food controls our stress level and anxiety. It aids in memory and learning as well as connection.      Vitamins ingested help our DNA repair.
     Food also acts as a pharmacy for our brain as we cook and consume spices and vegetables and foods.
     Chapter two gives you a short list of items that can help you slow cognitive decline and boost moods. This being a cookbook starts the reader out with then ingredients before itr swings into the recipes. Every recipe is there to enhance brain function and bring about mental clarity.
      The ingredients are listed in a column alongside the instructions for preparation. Each recipe starts with how much it makes, the prep time allowed, and the cooking time.
       Katz includes soups, vegetables, desserts, tonics and elixirs.
       There is something for everyone
       There is a wish for more pictures and more indentifying information to the pictures.
        Each recipe has a delightful, conversational write up. It is as if you were standing by the cook having a conversation as you prepared the item.
         I was sent this book gratis from for the purpose of reviewing it and posting it on my book blog. I was not required to post a positive review.
         I did enjoy it and will use it.
         For those interested in getting a copy please use the link below.
     The Healthy Mind Cookbook: Big-Flavor Recipes to Enhance Brain Function, Mood, Memory, and Mental Clarity

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Book About The Silent Era

   In the vast business of writing there are subgenres of fiction and nonfiction. Within the nonfiction realm there is the unsolved murders section.
    I find that true stories of unsolved murders are interesting.
    Some stories are gripping and worthy of reexamination.
    This story is set back in the 1920’s. Back in the days of silent films there were lots of people who spent time and money going to see the latest film. And there were companies that would put out the films for the public.
     There was also scandal. The availability of drugs and drink  
     The industry was feed by the great studios of that time. One of these studios was the Famous Players-Lasky lead by Adolph Zukor, with a vast stable of players under him. He employed directors under him.
     There was censorship. There were suicides. Someone needed to control the press. And Zukor appointed a gatekeeper called William Desmond Taylor to handle it.
     There were secrets that must be kept secret.
      Taylor directed 59 silent films between 1914 and 1922. He had acted in 27 films between 1913 to 1915. He was murdered 1 Feb 1922. His case was never solved and remains a cold case. Over a dozen individuals were named as suspects.
      Mann, using current records, reinvestigates the murder and names names and tries to come to some conclusion.
      The main glue seems to be Adolf Zukor and his striving to have more movie houses than anyone else so he would be able to show his films. He seemed to be battling with other companies. But that is a sub plot if this were a mystery story.
      This is a well done recreation of the period when drugs and suicide and murder flooded the industry.
      It is told linearly. This makes it a story that is drawing you in.
      I would recommend this for anyone interested in the silent film era and William Desmond Taylor.
      For those who wish to purchase the book, let me give you a link.

 Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Countdown to Zero Day by Kim Zetter

        Cyber security is very important. The many coders who are daily investigating worms and malware are to be viewed as gate keepers.
     I am sure more computers would be put in harms way if it wasn’t for what they do.
     Yet there are still some malwares that refuse to go away. They will just be duplicated and planted deep in the coding to be activated at a later time- a zero day.
     Most leave footprints that can be traced. That is the job of the reverse engineers who go in and take the malware apart bit by bit and study the code.
    There is one that appears to be a weapon – a cyberbomb- a tool in the cyberwarfare. It is called Stuxnet. It attacks through Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and gets in machines.Once in the machine it waits for the time and controllers to line up and then It attacks by overheating and causing the machine such as a nuclear reactor to blow up and melt.
     The one sent to the North Korean Nuclear centrifuges was caught. But it has been copied and resurfaces still. It has been found in codes on PCs, laptops, and mainframes.
     Zetter shows us how a virus/worm such as Stuxnet was able to pull off its sabotage. He gives a timeline of the virus’s development and release.
    I perceive it as just the start of the spy programs which are still with us.
    I would recommend this book for study by students in computer science and cyberwarfare.
   This book was sent  to me gratis from to be reviewed and posted to my bookblog. I was not required to give a positive review in order to stay on the program. All opnions are mine and not those of the publisher.
   For those who wish to purchase this book please use the link below.
   Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Leadership Handbook by John Maxwell


    Not everyone who has the title leader is a leader. It doesn’t matter if it is business or the army or in the volunteer sphere, just because you are in the position of leader it doesn’t give you the skill. And since a leader is made not born it behooves you to pay attention to books like this.
     Every leader needs followers. Also every leader needs to understand some basic rules or lessons. They may not be easy or effortless—some may want you to think so, but they are necessary.
     26 needful lessons are detailed here in short insightful chapters. Each one concludes with an application exercise covering the discussion of the chapter and a mentoring moment if you are holding small group sessions.
Maxwell has fleshed out a Manual for every leader who is to be and presently is.
    Years of fleshing out the principles he shares here has made Maxwell one of the people you should listen to.
    If I had this book when I was first starting out would have saved me some painful moments.
    His style is smooth and neighborly. You will enjoy this for your library on leadership or just for general reading on the topic.
    This book was sent to me gratis from to be reviewed. There was no requirement that I give a positive review and any opinions expressed are mine and not those of the publisher.
    This was formally published as Leadership Gold back in 2008.
     To buy this book from Amazon please follow this link.

  The Leadership Handbook: 26 Critical Lessons Every Leader Needs

I review for BookLook Bloggers