Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Higher Loyalty by James Comey

Now that Comey is no longer with the FBI he is free to tell the truth as he perceived it. What happened that Trump decided to fire him? How much truth is there in the last election? What was it like working under Obama?

Why did he decide to get into politics?

Back in 1992 he was the U.S. Attorney in New York City. He was confronting Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano as a federal witness. Because of what Gravano told him then about the life of lies “Men of honor may only lie about the most important things.”  Comey felt he had made the right career choice.

“I once questioned another government witness, Sicilian Mafia Killer Francesco Marino Mannoia about this rule.

“Franco,” I said, “that means you can trust me unless we are about to kill you.”

“Yes,” he replied.

No one is about to kill Comey. So, there is no reason for him to lie. I get the feeling no one can push Comey around.

He joined the United States Attorney’s office in Manhattan in 1987, so he has quite a history as a lawyer.

He was put in the place as FBI Director by Obama who he reports saying, “I don’t want help from the FBI on policy. I need competence and independence. I need to sleep at night knowing the place is well run and the American people protected.”

As a writer, Comey is okay. Not a powerful wordsmith, but when you are dealing with a slice of history you just must be adequate. In this respect he passes.

Since no doubt he had to keep quiet while in government this is a welcome look at the facts. Years from now when the historian looks back he will have a document that will help them parse the details.

The book is published by Flatiron books and retails for  $29.99.

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