Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Reason By William Sirls

In this fiction book of about 400 pages we are presented  with a story of faith and belief. A stranger comes to town, a carpenter, and where ever he is things start to happen. The question to ask is it believable?
 I got to thinking about the title of this book. Each author likes to title their books for a reason ( no pun intended.). What was the author trying to tell us by naming it thusly?. What is the purpose or reason for this book?
 The story concerns a group of people in a small town. A stranger shows up and things miraculous start to happen. The phrase “only Believe” is thrown  around.
 Are the characters believable? I mean, are they real or  merely stick figures?. I found the characters  to be subordinate to a message. The question thus is what is the message of this book?
 As I read it the feeling I got is that I can’t share this with my non-Christian friend.  The area of suspension of unbelief necessary in a work of fiction is handled well, but for a  person who is seeking answers, this is not that book they need.
 The message seems to be miracles happen when God is present.. The plot driven story is just too difficult to believe as possible.
The book as a whole was interesting.
This book was sent to me free from the publisher as part of the book review bloggers program of . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.                                                                                                      

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