You notice the different name on this posting? That is because I am going to step back from the web postings for Blogging for Books and the Book Look blogger for this one time-- there may be more in the future-- but for now it is not a web blog posting for either of the above two.
This is rather a look at two cozies I have read that I feel you might enjoy.
I check out books from my library also so I am always able to find a book to read.

The murder doesn't happen until the second third of the book, but there is action to carry you up to and past the murder. It has been said by the people who lecture on the genre that the murder is the high point and everything else is downhill.
Goldenbaum keeps the story moving.
We have the suspects. And the corpse. Also the sleuth. Of course the law.
It is a peaceful town we are introduced to. A stranger comes into town. His car is being repaired. But that is just a reason for his staying even after the car is fixed.
There is the doctor who is cares for the town folks. He is the one killed. Poisoned. Was it the meal he ate that night? Who would want to poison him?
Very little is mentioned about the knitters.
The other cozy I wish to introduce to you is somewhat different. It is by Teresa LaRue and is called A Talent for Murder. .
It is a new series and therefore the first book in that series that will be known as A Flower Patch Mystery.
It is unique in having a group of sleuths-- a threesome of daughter, mother, and niece. It is told in first person. The niece is the one who is the point of view. The detective is the love interest. It moves well. It will be a good series.
The title comes from something the murderer says.
I would recommend these for those readers out there who wish to read something that will exercise the mind, since reading is a form of exercise and mysteries are a type of game played between the reader and the writer.
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