Sometimes you wish there were a handy book with instructions
concerning what that means. You are looking for something that can be digested
in bite size portions.
To truly think, act and believe like Jesus there are some
basics. You don’t wish to make a fool of yourself. You wish to appear cool.
You would need to have
somewhat of a working knowledge of belief, practice and virtues. Your life will
undergo a change.
You would need a discipleship manual to help you.
The Bible is sufficient but somewhat foreboding to most of
us. A link or guide would be useful.
Frazee has penned a book to help. We need to know what we
believe. He offers ten belief areas along with ten practices and ten values.
This is the discipleship book for small groups of new believers.
I would recommend this not only for new converts but also for
those of us who are farther along in the walk and need something to use to
disciple others.
This book was sent gratis from the book look blog for the
purpose of reviewing. No requirement to review one way or another were set down,
and the views expressed are those of the reviewer and not the publisher, which
was Zondervan.
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