Faith is a grand paradox. You are praying in the present for
something by faith believing it is on the way, and there is this big gap
between the time you ask and the time you receive.
“A paradox”, the author writes, “is an apparent
contradiction, a statement about reality that seems antithetical. Some paradoxes
are common and well understood.”
Life is messy. At the same time God is mysterious. And we must approach him by faith. We are all
aware that Hebrews 11:1 informs us it is the substance of things hoped for and
the evidence of things unseen. But that is still not completely graspable. The
instances of the Old Testament saints walking by faith and not sight is the
only handle God gives.
Wisdom Is not faith
The best illustration
of walking a life of faith is Jesus. It is to allow God to lead as we follow.
In the Grand Paradox Wytsma uses 16 chapters to help us
realize that others struggled just as we are struggling now. He presents
nuggets in each chapter for us to chew on. One is that in the midst of suffering
is the best time to experience the presence of God.
I would recommend this book for seekers who are trying to
know God better.
I was sent this book free from Thomas Nelson through booklookbloggers.com
to review and add to my book review blog. There was no agreement that I had to
give a positive review in order to receive this book. All views are those of
the reviewer and not those of the publisher.
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The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of FaithTo buy a copy of this book just use the link below:
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