I am sure more computers
would be put in harms way if it wasn’t for what they do.
Yet there are still some
malwares that refuse to go away. They will just be duplicated and planted deep
in the coding to be activated at a later time- a zero day.
Most leave footprints that
can be traced. That is the job of the reverse engineers who go in and take the
malware apart bit by bit and study the code.
There is one that appears to
be a weapon – a cyberbomb- a tool in the cyberwarfare. It is called Stuxnet. It
attacks through Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and gets in machines.Once
in the machine it waits for the time and controllers to line up and then It attacks
by overheating and causing the machine such as a nuclear reactor to blow up and
The one sent to the North
Korean Nuclear centrifuges was caught. But it has been copied and resurfaces
still. It has been found in codes on PCs, laptops, and mainframes.
Zetter shows us how a
virus/worm such as Stuxnet was able to pull off its sabotage. He gives a
timeline of the virus’s development and release.
I perceive it as just the
start of the spy programs which are still with us.
I would recommend this book
for study by students in computer science and cyberwarfare.
This book was sent to me gratis from bloggingforbooks.com to be
reviewed and posted to my bookblog. I was not required to give a positive
review in order to stay on the program. All opnions are mine and not those of
the publisher.
For those who wish to
purchase this book please use the link below.
Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon
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