To what extent are we to keep secrets? And does it really
pay to have secrets? Can we ever really escape our secrets?
Kate, the main character in the book, an ex-CIA agent who
acts as an assassin is the viewpoint of the story. Her husband, Dexter, thinks
of her only as a wife and mother. Her husband, Dexter, is known to her as an IT
man who works for a bank helping them in cyber-crime. But even he is keeping a
Their marriage is also in trouble. Do they really know each
How successful can one person keep the past from catching up
with him?
The story takes place in Luxembourg. In Luxembourg they meet
two Americans who are not who they seem. Another layer is put down of secrets.
This couple appears frequently where Kate and Dexter travel.
They are interested in Kate and Dexter. Some money is
missing from a bank account and Dexter is somehow involved.
Plots intertwine as the story goes on. Tension is high.
Pavone handles his characters well not revealing more than you
need to know at that point in the story.
This attempt at a suspense spy novel is fairly successful
and won the Edgar Award. It can be read for a period of escapist adventure.
I was sent this book free from bloggingforbooks.org as a
blog member. I was not required to write a positive review, Any opinions expressed
are my own and not those of the publisher.
To buy the book just
click below.
The Expats: A Novel
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