This is a man’s book.
My first
impression when I was barely half way through the book was that it is gutsy and
graphic. It has to be graphic. Dr. Warren is writing about war and it’s devastation.
Warren being a
neurosurgeon writes like a surgeon and doesn’t apologize for it. He wants you
to see the damage war has.
He was part of
the medical team that was in Iraq 2004-2005. Details have been toned down
somewhat. Battlefield medicine is not pretty.
Warren writes
of the interaction the doctors had with each other as well as the patient. He brings
the human side to the war into perspective. Who lived or died depended on the
skill and the equipment and the purpose of an ever present God.
I found this book
to be very well written and it kept my attention. Even in the operation
details, and the first half of the book covers this area, Warren was trying to hold his marriage
together while dealing with the battle casualties.
This book shows
God’s control over life.
As I said, this
is a man’s book. It shows a strong man who was even able to work around the
pressure forced on him by the situation he was thrust into. It changed him. It
wasn’t easy, but life isn’t easy.
chronologically it moves forward to the present day
This book was sent to me free by the
booklookbloggers.com group for this review. I was not required to give a positive
review. Any viewpoint expressed is that of the reviewer and not those of the
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