Do you need to have your eyes opened to God’s working in the world? Are you so jaded that you feel God is no longer involved in events? Then you need to read this book. It traces God’s work known as miracles as seen in periods of time . What makes this so good is the book is not written as a theological explanation of God’s involvement in the world but as a historical look at what God is doing. It starts with the biggest miracle of all, the creation of man.. It moves quickly through Abraham,. Moses, Elisha, into the incarnation, the resurrection. Then it moves into historical periods and people, most are well known.
Belmonte looks at miracles as consisting of five types. He sees confirmatory miracles where God is showing his choice and support of certain individuals or groups. Then there is the judgmental miracle. These can be seen in the plagues. Thirdly there are miracles of mercy or miraculous healings. Fourth we have miracles of deliverance as seen with Daniel and the friends in the fiery furnace. And last of all he uses the lens of the miracle of divine vision
As I read this book I found myself marveling at what God has done and is still doing. The point is God is not finished doing miracles. We still live in a world of wonder. I found myself looking at things around me differently.
I would recommend this book for those who need to have their vision of signs, wonders and miracles refreshed.
This book was received free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to give a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect the views of the publsiher.
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