Friday, May 25, 2012

Redemption by Bryan Clay

Redemption          Just what can God do with a praying mother and a rebellious son? God is sovereign and is able to mold that rebellious child into someone who makes something of his talents.
            In this autobiography we see just that. Bryan Clay may have grown up to be an example but he was not anyone to follow as he was growing up. His birth father divorced his mother. He reacted to that lost. Even though he had  become a Christian at an early age his behavior did not show it. He wasn’t committed to following God.
              But he had a praying mother who saw potential in him. Clay went on to find his way to  work out his rebellion in track and field. From there he went on to become an Olympic contender.
            It wasn’t always easy. Clay shares his struggles. That makes his story an important one for young people.
            The title is a good one. As I noted, this story shows how God can use a broken life and make something of it. If Clay had a perfect life his story wouldn’t be worth reading. His humbleness shines through the tale. It is truly an example of what God can do with a praying mother and a person willing to be used by Him. Not everyone will become an Olympic contender. But everyone can be committed to God.
            This book was given to me free by Book Sneeze to be reviewed on their web site. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed are mine and not those of the publisher.   

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When Work And Family Collide by Andy Stanley

            It is hard at times  to manage your priorities. You are aware you have to but somehow there just isn’t enough time.
            Priorities are what Rev. Stanley addresses in this small book on  setting the proper restraints on time obligations. In this little 131 Stanley gently nudges the reader to properly get things done in an orderly manner. To do so there are certain things a person must do or not do. I feel Stanley did a good job of detailing them.
            With a pastors heart Stanley guides the individual reader to consider demands and the reasons he has for doing things. The book even has a discussion guide at the end to be used in small groups or in self examination. It is laid out in  a four week plan.
            He is a story teller and in a non-threatening manner je leads you to make these teachings your own. He seems like a friend who is walking beside you and firmly guiding you.
            I found him and his book to be instructive. It got me to examining my own use of time. Priorities are the main theme of this book.
            The proper view of what Stanley calls cheating to gain time to do what one should do is presented in an easy to digest manner.
            I received this book for free from WaterBrookMultinomah Publishing group for this review. All opinions are the reviews alone and do not reflect those of the publisher. I was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mystery Writer- yes you can!!

Have you always wanted to be a writer? How about in the genre of mystery? I have a place you can go to and find out all you need to know about the subject. You can get the  needed information and sign up for the offer. Please feel free to do so. We need more good mystery writers. The genre may look well stocked, but there is always a new way to commit a crime.
    Maybe you can invent it. And we can buy the book and enjoy your story.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Swipe by Evan Angler

Swipe         This book set in the future not too long from now is a young adult book  for teens. It tells the story of  identity, of belonging to a group. All issues that young people face.  
          The story opens with a kidnapping. No one reports it. What is going on?
        What if you  saw your sister go to get marked and she never came  back? Now you are about to be thirteen and you feel you are being watched?  Why are you being watched?
Once you reach your thirteenth birthday you can get the mark on your wrist that will enable you to buy and sell without your parents authorization. You can  become your own person. Who wouldn’t want that? Everyone gets the mark. You can’t buy or own anything without it.
But you don’t want it. Do you have a choice?
There is a group of the unmarked. They must be hunted down and made to conform.
            Your best friend is acting strange. And there is that new girl who just came a few days ago from another city. She has the mark. Her dad works for the organization called Dome.
You have to find out what happened to your sister. Somehow there is a connection between the mark and her disappearance.
            This is a good beginning of a series. It shows a promise of  further adventure..
As we close the book the main character is on the run. The  building is burning. There is no turning back.
I am a reviewer for booksneeze and I received this book free from the publisher to be reviewed. I was not obligated to give it a positive review and the opinions expressed are the reviewers and not those of the publisher.