In this autobiography we see just that. Bryan Clay may have grown up to be an example but he was not anyone to follow as he was growing up. His birth father divorced his mother. He reacted to that lost. Even though he had become a Christian at an early age his behavior did not show it. He wasn’t committed to following God.
But he had a praying mother who saw potential in him. Clay went on to find his way to work out his rebellion in track and field. From there he went on to become an Olympic contender.
It wasn’t always easy. Clay shares his struggles. That makes his story an important one for young people.
The title is a good one. As I noted, this story shows how God can use a broken life and make something of it. If Clay had a perfect life his story wouldn’t be worth reading. His humbleness shines through the tale. It is truly an example of what God can do with a praying mother and a person willing to be used by Him. Not everyone will become an Olympic contender. But everyone can be committed to God.
This book was given to me free by Book Sneeze to be reviewed on their web site. I was not required to give a favorable review. The opinions expressed are mine and not those of the publisher.