It should be the desire of every Christian to have a deeper walk with God. A life of adventure is what is offered to those who do. It seems that most of us have no idea where we are going most of the time nor how we can add more adventure to our walk.
It was the Celtic Christians who have named the Holy Spirit the Wild Goose They called Him this because you can’t tame or control the direction of a wild goose. So it seems to be when you follow God.
Batterson uses people from the Bible to illustrate cages we place around us that keep us from pursuing God. They were open to God to break away from their cages which limited them.
The six cages he mentions are cages of Responsibility, Routine, Assumptions, Guilt, Failure and Fear,. Each Bible character moved as the Holy Spirit directed them and overcame the cage. I am sure we can too.
We need more books like this one to help us realize what we can be doing with our lives. This book interested me and caused me to reconsider my cages. Batterson held my attention in his eight chapters. I felt he convey sound Biblical truth.
This book is recommended for those who need a call to action.
I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah for this review. Opinions expressed are mine and not those of the publisher.