I have found a book on my Kindle that is delightful. It is part of a mystery series. It is called "Invisible; An Ivy Malone Mystery" by Lorena McCourtney.
It is told in first person. Ivy is a senior citizen who has the habit of getting involved in mysteries. It starts out with someone pulling down grave stones and escalates to a mystery as to who her friend at the senior center was... The story follows the formula of detective, police official , victim, and murderer In this case the detective is Ivy, a bit more involved than Miss Marple, who was also a senior citizen who some how always managed to get involved in a mystery. . All the deaths are off stage so we don't have blood and gore. It is the type of story that is classified as a cozy.
Ivy feels invisible. very few people notice the elderly. This helps her to be places and over hear conversations.
The Christian community needs well written books in each genre. This one is a good addition to that venture.
A lot of books get published each year. A few get read while the others are ignored. In this blog I would like to present some book reviews of books I have read and feel are important enough for you to read also. Feel free to suggest books which you feel I should review for you. I will consider them.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn
This story is plot driven. that is not to say that the characters are not memorable. They just are stock characters. There is the main character,Jonathan Rush, a successful business man who is searching for the truth about his abandonment as a child. To do so he must come out of his comfort zone and give forgiveness to a woman who gave him up as a child He must also overcome his temper.
The other main character is the mother who regrets having left her child and who now seeks forgiveness.She has always followed his career but never contacted him.
But Jonathan must make the first step.
The story is told in multiple viewpoint. Jonathan is the first person view point. Then there is the second person viewpoint that really is three diffferent people. One is the female reporter who is helping Jonathan locate the mother. Then there is a bit character, the pastor who sent Jonathan on the journey to Alaska where it all began.. Third character is the mother.
I found this an interesting parable type template. I recommend this for anyone looking for a good story on the theme of forgiveness.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Self Publish
Every once in a while you read something and you say to yourrself, "I can write something on that topic. If only I could find a publisher for it."
Sometimes a burning desire pops up inside a person and they must get their book out to the public.
I find that this self publishing option is a good way to go if and when you can't find a publisher that will take your book, You have submitted time and again and now have a stack of rejection slips. Some have little notes written on them of encouragement. But still no cigar, as they would say.
For a bit of out of the pocket money you can find a self publishing book publisher.If you are not adverse to being your own agent and bookseller (Meaning you will have to get out there and let people know your book is available for purchase) a place like Westbow Press is a way to go.
Who knows? You may have the book that sells well and some publisher will be asking you to sign up with them for your next book. It can and does happen.
Dreams do come true. I expect to see your next book. Also become a follower of this blog to keep up with the news.
Sometimes a burning desire pops up inside a person and they must get their book out to the public.
I find that this self publishing option is a good way to go if and when you can't find a publisher that will take your book, You have submitted time and again and now have a stack of rejection slips. Some have little notes written on them of encouragement. But still no cigar, as they would say.
For a bit of out of the pocket money you can find a self publishing book publisher.If you are not adverse to being your own agent and bookseller (Meaning you will have to get out there and let people know your book is available for purchase) a place like Westbow Press is a way to go.
Who knows? You may have the book that sells well and some publisher will be asking you to sign up with them for your next book. It can and does happen.
Dreams do come true. I expect to see your next book. Also become a follower of this blog to keep up with the news.
Graphic Novels
First off let me say I am not a fan of graphic novels.. those stories told in picture form and placed between two covers to appear in the booksores such a Hi Dee Hoo and other comic collection outlets. I do enjoy Superman and Batman graphic novels. I don't care for those that show out right violence such as people being shot and blood splatting out. The Dark Knight interpretation of Batman are graphic enough.
There is an ap offered for the Ipad that covers comics collectors. I may not have a use for it as I am not a fan. I prefer holding a hard cover book I can slowly read through and use my own imagination. Graphic Novels tend to short circuit the imagination, I feel.
If you wish to see literature in comic form you can see if Classic Illustrated is still around. They did books and condensed the story line to fit between two comic book covers. I recall using them to short circuit my reading for book reports required in English class. Not a good idea. And the teahers seemed to know when a child was using that shortcat.
Become a follower of this blog and keep up with the thought pattern of the poster. Sometimes I refer you to good literature. And you can use the comment feature on the bottom of this posting to keep in touch with me .
There is an ap offered for the Ipad that covers comics collectors. I may not have a use for it as I am not a fan. I prefer holding a hard cover book I can slowly read through and use my own imagination. Graphic Novels tend to short circuit the imagination, I feel.
If you wish to see literature in comic form you can see if Classic Illustrated is still around. They did books and condensed the story line to fit between two comic book covers. I recall using them to short circuit my reading for book reports required in English class. Not a good idea. And the teahers seemed to know when a child was using that shortcat.
Become a follower of this blog and keep up with the thought pattern of the poster. Sometimes I refer you to good literature. And you can use the comment feature on the bottom of this posting to keep in touch with me .
Sunday, October 16, 2011
It is Dangeour To Be Right when the Government Is Wrong By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Napolitano completes each chapter with a conclusion of what the individual can do. We are not helpless victims, he contends. The time is short.
I am part of the Booksneeze book review bloggers program..Booksneeze has provided me with a complementary copy of this book. The opinions I expressed are my own.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Have I Got a Tale For You
I would venture to say that in most of us there is a story waiting to come out. A story that at least your grandmother or the people at work would be thrilled to hear.
Maybe someone has said to you that something you said should be in a book and you should write it. Yet you hold back because you wonder who will publish it.
When I was younger, and this was before ebooks or even the Internet, I had a subject I felt needed to be addressed. Never mind that there was a glut of books out there already on the subject. I decided that I was going to seek out a vanity publisher,--a subsidy press-- to get my booklet out there.
And so we still have that avenue of publishing to consider. Today it is easier. We have the Internet and we can turn what we have written into an Ebook.
Some self-published books do work. I understand that The Wizard of Oz was self published. Look how popular it became and every book in the series after that was published under a publisher that paid the author.
When we self-publish we, the author, have to pay to have it printed and distributed. And if it doesn't sell, we are stuck with the surplus.
This may not be a worry in the Ebook realm. But we still have to pay for the privilege to have our 'baby' set mto print.
Luckily there are good places you can go. I don't know the prices. Ask once you have contacted them. I am sure that somewhere on this posting there is an ad. The Booksneeeze group I receive books to review from is affliated with a publisher. I am sure you can link up with the publisher they push.
Enjoy reading. I plan to keep on recommending books and reviewing books.
Maybe someone has said to you that something you said should be in a book and you should write it. Yet you hold back because you wonder who will publish it.
When I was younger, and this was before ebooks or even the Internet, I had a subject I felt needed to be addressed. Never mind that there was a glut of books out there already on the subject. I decided that I was going to seek out a vanity publisher,--a subsidy press-- to get my booklet out there.
And so we still have that avenue of publishing to consider. Today it is easier. We have the Internet and we can turn what we have written into an Ebook.
Some self-published books do work. I understand that The Wizard of Oz was self published. Look how popular it became and every book in the series after that was published under a publisher that paid the author.
When we self-publish we, the author, have to pay to have it printed and distributed. And if it doesn't sell, we are stuck with the surplus.
This may not be a worry in the Ebook realm. But we still have to pay for the privilege to have our 'baby' set mto print.
Luckily there are good places you can go. I don't know the prices. Ask once you have contacted them. I am sure that somewhere on this posting there is an ad. The Booksneeeze group I receive books to review from is affliated with a publisher. I am sure you can link up with the publisher they push.
Enjoy reading. I plan to keep on recommending books and reviewing books.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Great Book For Cult Differences
Hi. Decided I would share with you a great introduction to the general subject of what makes the difference between a Orthodox Christian Belief system and the belief systems of other religions. It looks at Roman Catholics and Jews. Not that they are cults. But they don't really come up to Orthodoxy. That is in section one.
Before section one we are given a chapter on Orthodox beliefs so we will have a basis to talk from. Ridenour calls it a Plumbline.
Section two covers the major religions of the world. Judaism. Islam. Hinduism. Buddism.
Section Three covers the major cults. Unitarians. Jehovah Witnesses. Christian Science. Mormonism.
The New Age which is an explosion of Hinduism is not covered.
I recommend this as a good introductory book.
Please feel free to comment. I will respond. And keep on reading.
Before section one we are given a chapter on Orthodox beliefs so we will have a basis to talk from. Ridenour calls it a Plumbline.
Section two covers the major religions of the world. Judaism. Islam. Hinduism. Buddism.
Section Three covers the major cults. Unitarians. Jehovah Witnesses. Christian Science. Mormonism.
The New Age which is an explosion of Hinduism is not covered.
I recommend this as a good introductory book.
Please feel free to comment. I will respond. And keep on reading.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Readers Buy
Looking at my stats I notice this blog is being read in Russia as well as the United States. In the past it has had readers from Pakistan, Canada, and other areas. That is a good area. That means this is something that is needed. Now all I want is return readers and a core. Would you be my core? And as a core group, would you please tell others? And once in a while buy.
Barnes and Noble is one place you can buy books. on line that is http://www.bn.com/. Or you can get the religious books from Christian discount book sellers They are on the web at http://www.christianbook.com/.. Or you can also go to Amazon bookseller. on the web that would be http://www.amazon.com/
I do not get a commission from them so I am referring you as a service
Be a follower of this blog series. Hang on to your seat for we are moving forward
Barnes and Noble is one place you can buy books. on line that is http://www.bn.com/. Or you can get the religious books from Christian discount book sellers They are on the web at http://www.christianbook.com/.. Or you can also go to Amazon bookseller. on the web that would be http://www.amazon.com/
I do not get a commission from them so I am referring you as a service
Be a follower of this blog series. Hang on to your seat for we are moving forward
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Midnight Louie Solves Another
As I have said, for relaxation I read mysteries. This is a series that I enjoy. It is the Midnight Louie Mystery series by Carole Nelson Douglas. Each book title features a letter of the alphabet. It starts with Catnip and Pussyfoot before starting the letters at Cat on a Blue Monday.
What is enjoyable about these mysteries is it is told first person in places by the cat. He shares the rest of the book with humans. The human parts are in third person and usually follows Temple Barr, the person Louie has chosen to adopt. If you are a cat owner you know what I just said. Temple has two male friends, Max and Matt. The detective is a Lt. Carmen Regina Molina. ( yes, Douglas breaks the rule not to have your main characters' names start with the same first letter so as not to confuse the reader. maybe she does this on purpose.) Temple is a PR person in Las Vegas who just happens to run across mysteries that Bound in the Casinos.The casinos are run by the mob. Well, the reformed gangsters
This time someone is killing females and leaving Barbie dolls by the bodies. A elderly woman is being taken advantage of by her caretakers. The book is titled Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta. Yes. we have gotten up to the Vs.
It is lighthearted in places, but it is detailed and concerns the relations Barr has with her two male friends and with the Lt.
Douglas also writes adventure stories concerning Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes.
I prefer her Midnight Louie mysteries.
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What is enjoyable about these mysteries is it is told first person in places by the cat. He shares the rest of the book with humans. The human parts are in third person and usually follows Temple Barr, the person Louie has chosen to adopt. If you are a cat owner you know what I just said. Temple has two male friends, Max and Matt. The detective is a Lt. Carmen Regina Molina. ( yes, Douglas breaks the rule not to have your main characters' names start with the same first letter so as not to confuse the reader. maybe she does this on purpose.) Temple is a PR person in Las Vegas who just happens to run across mysteries that Bound in the Casinos.The casinos are run by the mob. Well, the reformed gangsters
This time someone is killing females and leaving Barbie dolls by the bodies. A elderly woman is being taken advantage of by her caretakers. The book is titled Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta. Yes. we have gotten up to the Vs.
It is lighthearted in places, but it is detailed and concerns the relations Barr has with her two male friends and with the Lt.
Douglas also writes adventure stories concerning Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes.
I prefer her Midnight Louie mysteries.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Lighter Reading
When I am not reading heavy theological books or even books for Booksneeze ( I do Booksneeze because I lost my column in the Santa Monica Daily Press because Daniel Archuleta, the managing editor, decided last year that he was not going to be publishing book reviews in the paper for a while,) Makes me wonder, does no one read anymore? Book Reviews are needed. Even in this day of the ebook. Does no one enjoy reading?
Anyhow, as I was saying, when I relax in my reading I tend to read mysteries. And I sort of like reading light hearted mysteries. A good series is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. The characters in this series are funny. There is Stephanie who works as a bounty hunter and her friends.
The latest one is Smoking Seventeen. Evanovich uses numbers for her titles in this series. In this one dead bodies are showing up around the place she works. Her male friends, Trenton cop, Joe Morelli, and security expert,Ranger, are here. Her mother is trying to get her married off. She has even brought a former classmate of Stephanies', an ex- football player, into the house in the hope that Stephanie will dump her two boyfriends and settle down. Grandma Bella, Morelli's grandmother, has put the evil eye on Stephanie. Stephanies' grandmother is still going to funerals to enjoy the refreshments. A cold blooded killer is after Stephanie.
All in a days work for Stephanie.
I do recommend this series.
Anyhow, as I was saying, when I relax in my reading I tend to read mysteries. And I sort of like reading light hearted mysteries. A good series is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. The characters in this series are funny. There is Stephanie who works as a bounty hunter and her friends.
The latest one is Smoking Seventeen. Evanovich uses numbers for her titles in this series. In this one dead bodies are showing up around the place she works. Her male friends, Trenton cop, Joe Morelli, and security expert,Ranger, are here. Her mother is trying to get her married off. She has even brought a former classmate of Stephanies', an ex- football player, into the house in the hope that Stephanie will dump her two boyfriends and settle down. Grandma Bella, Morelli's grandmother, has put the evil eye on Stephanie. Stephanies' grandmother is still going to funerals to enjoy the refreshments. A cold blooded killer is after Stephanie.
All in a days work for Stephanie.
I do recommend this series.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Has God Spoken? by Hank Hanegraaff
The book gives the reader facts that can be used in discussion with doubters, Hanegraaff gives us rules to follow as we read the Scriptures He also includes a Bible study method called 'Legacy"we can use to read through the Bible in a years time.
It is an enjoyable read. At times it makes one stop and think. After all, The Bible is a very important document and should be an ever present tool. This book provides the assurance needed for the "worker who does not need to be ashamed". Hanegraaff has successfully conveyed this Biblical truth.
It held my attention as this subject of the Bible and its veracity is important to me. A person wants to be assured that the tool he is using is the best it can be. The information presented is done in a progressive,well thought out fashion.
Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.
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