Saturday, November 24, 2018

The President is Missing by Bill Clinton & James Patterson

You just knew soon or later a former president would try to write a fiction story using the fate of the nation in the balance.
If it wasn't for the name of James Patterson who's books  offer some form of escape, I would not have pick it up. It would  not be because Clinton used to be president.
So, how did he do?
I felt there was too much plot--that is--too much was introduced ad later quickly resolved. Tension was followed by wrap up before fully playing out
The false promise of impeachment was no doubt heavy in his mind since he had gone through the impeachment process directly during his term. But that is not the thread that runs through the story.
A terror  involving a cyber virus pulls one through the story. How to stop it? Can it be stopped? Who put it there?
The president has a blood condition and must take medication. This is one of the tensions running through the book.
Clinton tries too hard to tell a story and therefore, if it wasn't for Patterson, I feel, this book would never have see  the light of day. It was a nice try.
It is too long for the story line. But Clinton had to try.
It can be found in a local library and at a book store if you can find one. Amazon has it and Barnes and Noble.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Shadow President by Michael D' Antonio

Everyone who gets into politics sooner or later gets a book written about them. Since Pence is vice president at the moment it is time for him to start to get his anal exam.

It is very important that we know just who it is we have in office. Politics is not an easy profession to do. There are thankless hours and tedious events. Most politicians you never hear about. I mean, how many vice presidents can you name? Not too many, I would venture.

I have heard someone say a person doesn’t enter politics because they love it. They enter politics to make a difference. When it comes to Mike Pence, I am sure, it is something he feels would make a difference doing.

He didn’t start out seeking political office. “Radio was Pence’s medium and as soon as he had arrived in Washington, he made sure he would some presence on the airwaves,” records D’ Antonio.

 He sought to live a lifestyle that was compatible with his Christian values and at the same time a life marked by aggression. Being third born in a family of six children he needed to be different from those who were born before him. A typical trait of middle children. In other words, he became, a person more complex than we know.

Which is one reason we need books such as this one.

D’ Antonio puts forth that Pence may be leaning toward a future role as president. Underneath what we see could very well be a striving for power.

It is not easy being a vice president. You must appear to agree with your mate and at the same time be your own person. That is the game plan for each person that gets this place on the ticket.  Expediency finds members of a party embracing programs to solve problems they should stay away from, he has once put forth.

Pence in the past has called for immigrants to be treated with compassion but now serving under Trump, Pence has become branded a hypocrite. Yet if he is seeking to move into the office of president he must act as Trump’s surrogate. Trump, as you know, has a record of firing people who don’t agree with him, so Pence has to play the part.

If this is so than this book is a good start to understand the person. In fact, I would highly recommend a person first understand what they are ranting against, so they act with knowledge.

It is published by St. Martins Press and retails for $28.99. It could also be found in your local library. Read it and be informed.