Friday, September 22, 2017

The Success Intersection by Pat Williams

What does success look like? 

Williams, who is a vice president of The NBA’s Orlando Magic’s and a former jock, for fifty years tries to explain what it looks like.

When talent meets passion and they intersect, then the road to success opens. We become a dreamer We need talent married to passion to achieve success.

This book puts forth the idea that we all have talent. We need to find our passions and when our dreams are practical, that is finding a way to take the practical steps to turn dreams into reality, we find the backbone to achieve despite the dream busters around us.

It is not enough just to have a dream if we don’t put shoe leather to the scheme.

I have the feeling there are many grownups in the work force who are just passing time until they can acquire enough money to be able to retire. But a truly passionate person who is in tune with their real self aren’t like that.

Talent isn’t enough if you somehow feel you can’t do it.

To start the journey, one must be open to asking himself three questions such as what are your passions, what are you talented for or wired for, and what can you get paid for. No use having a passion and a talent if you can’t find a way to make it marketable.

That is what makes this different. Other books on this subject don’ insert the monetary aspect. In this I agree. What good is having something that no one wants?

You must ask, Williams points out a few questions to achieve your dreams. We all have dreams, but not all achieve them.

We must ask yourself the reason you want to achieve this dream. Why, in other words, are you passionate about it.

Secondly you ask yourself when do I want to achieve this dream? Put a time on it. You need to have a goal. And then you ask with that question just what are your specific steps that must be taken to achieve that dream. Or what are the defined steps that are both defined and measurable?

And fourthly, just what today must I do to reach that goal tomorrow? We need daily steps broken down to achieve the big goal.

I highly recommend this book. It is written in easy to understand segments with guidance questions in each. It will clarify for most what they need to do to achieve that success in whatever form it comes.