Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Magnolia Story by Chip & Joanna Gaines

What does a life look like for an entrepreneur? How about two entrepreneurs who are married to each other? Is life a safe easy one or a risky one?
  Most of the answers are easy to discern. Yes, it is a risky life but, as seen in the story of Chip and Joanna Gaines and family (There are children in the mix) it is an exciting one.
  Even one that lead to a reality program and a ministry for The Lord.
  The secret to their success  is a delightful one and all should read it just to see what can be done when you have a dream.
  Life lived this way is not one everybody should follow but it is one that when you are blessed by God with resources and a vision is the best way to go.
   Waco, Texas is where you may find their TV Show, Fixer Upper. At least you could at the time this book was printed.
    Chip and Joanna transform renovated houses and flip them. They then use the proceeds to finance needed projects.
    This book will give you the story of what shaped therm and took  them to their present life  of entrepreneurship while living with four children on a farm with countless farm animals. It contains photos   as all good nonfiction books It may motivate you to do things with the resources you have.