Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Abolishing Abortion by Rev. Frank Pavone

Lest you think this is another ill thought out tome put out by the right to life fanatics, let me assure you it is well thought out and documented discussion of the subject. We still need to discuss the issue rationally and factually.
   The taking of life in any form must be thought through and acknowledged for what it is; a judgment that belongs only to God, our creator.
   Not all people wish to be bothered with the issue. President Obama, when he was running for president back in 2008 told the congregation at Saddleback Church when he was asked about this issue of when does life start “It is beyond my pay grade.”  
   Abortion is never right and there is hardly any reason for it. I am aware of rape and incest being used as excuses. But rather than abortion there is the gift of adoption available.
   Life is a right guaranteed in our Constitution –life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To abort a fetus is taking away the right of life to the fetus.
   Roe is wrong, according to Pavone. Pavone does a good job of showing us, the reader, the facts which we shouldn’t deny.  The quoted document portions of Roe Vs Wade and the conclusions of our Supreme Court judges are to be considered as you read this book.
   This book was sent to me free from to be reviewed. I was not required to give a positive review.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Out On the Wire by Jessica Abel

     This is my first time reviewing a graphic novel. I choose to do this format because I was intrigued and the subject seems to lend itself to this way of presenting the information.
      To have presented the information in a straight non-fiction format of words on white paper would have presented a heaver and bulkier book.
    This graphic book covers the storytelling secrets of public radio such as voice, story structure, sound, and pacing.
   It takes you behind the scene to walk you through the whole process from inception to final broadcast. When there are areas that need clarification the cartoon persona of the author is used.
   The research involved in tracking down the practitioners of this art is well done. I could sense this was a labor of love. 
   Abel uses personal stories to illuminate the window into this kind of storytelling.
   Using graphic techniques to cover this subject may appeal to some young readers who prefer comics to books. 
   I realize this is a genre that is popular. For those who are yet to discover literature done in print on paper this is a way to communicate both information and entertainment.
   I would recommend this for people who need information on this area of broadcasting. There is nothing wrong with the concept of graphics. It just doesn’t seem to be stimulating.
   I was sent this book gratis from blogging for books for this review.  I was required to give an honest review and let the chips fall where they may.
  This graphics book also comes in an eBook format.