Trust is very
foundational to any relationship. It is especially foundational to a marriage. It
is a basic building block that should be in place. If it is shaky or missing
the foundation is broken.
Trust must then
be regained.
For men the
issue often is in the sexual area, is the thesis of this helpful book. Unknown
to her is that schoolyard view of that pornographic magazine. Or that computer
picture you came across “by accident”. You know which one. The one that made you
eager to explore more until you view females in a way they are not meant to be
Martinkus along
with Arterburn bravely open themselves to scrutiny, and we. a reader, are
better for it, especially we men who are married.
Our wives need
to feel a part of our lives. When we don’t hold ourselves accountable to them
we miss so many blessings.
Although this
book is geared toward marriage I feel each young man should read it. Maybe it
should be handed out as a discussion area in a premarital class. It has the subtitle
what you need to do to rebuild sexual integrity and win her back.
If it isn’t too late this will help you walk the walk. If
you have gone across the line this book will help you establish and reinstate boundaries.
I received this book free from the for this review. All opinions expressed are that of the reviewer and not the publishers. I was not required to give a positive review.