Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Psychopath Whisperer by Kent A. Kiehl, Ph.D.

        What does it take to be a criminal psychopath? Or even a person who works with these members of society?   
There is something different about your brain and the brain of your neighborhood psychopath. It can be seen using an MRI.
        The subtitle to this book is: ‘The Science of Those without Conscience. Dr. Kiehl details in this book his studies in what makes a psychopath. He majored in the study of people in maximum security prisons and postulated that if he could map the brain using an MRI you could see there was a difference in areas of the brain that may be the indication of problems.
        This is in the psychology genre. It will satisfy those people who enjoy reading stories of advances in care of the mentally ill.
        Kiehl details his fascination with the brain of psychopaths. He mentions his studies to get his degrees while working in the maximum security prisons with psychopaths, trying to understand  their thought processes. He even went so far as to develop a mobile MRI machine to scan their brains.
        Luckily less than 1 percent of the general population fit this criteria.
        I have been interested in psychology for a while and found this book a bit disturbing. It is not easy reading but still fascinating. It will meet the need of those who follow this subject as part of their occupation.
        I was sent this book free from WaterBrooks Publishers 
as a member of the blog reviewers. I was not required to give a positive review and the opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and not of the publisher.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston

        It is one thing we all need. Without it there just is no reason to plan. All our thoughts and actions depend on this one little aspect of life. That is the small but powerful emotion of hope.
        This is something that permeates our whole life—our finances, our work environment, our marriages. There is nothing more important. Without hope there is no future.
         If we don’t have it at the moment we can develop it. It may even be the one most important thing you can develop.
        Johnston in this book lays out the seven factors needed to change a life of discouragement to a life of hope. After all, hope can set you free. Discouragement destroys and hope can come in and liberate.
        The seven factors hope is built on are easy to follow.. Putting them in your life, according to Johnston, will be an adventure.
        He includes a link to an assessment test on the flyleaf of the book so that you can have a benchmark to work with as you read through the text and apply the different factors to your life.       
        I found this to be a refreshing and creative way to handle the theme of hope. It would have been useful for me as I struggled. It is here now and welcome to my library.
        I would suggest it be in the library of every counselor and handed out to the seekers who come to him.
I review for BookLook Bloggers        This book was sent to me free from to be reviewed as part of their book review bloggers program I was not required to give a positive review and any opinion expressed is that of the reviewer and not that of the publisher.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Wealth Of My Mother's Wisdom by Terrance J.

   Every once in a while a book comes along that must be read for the pure joy of taking in the wisdom contained between bookends.
            This is one wise lady. She is honored by her son sharing her with the reading public.
            Terrence’s mother, Lisa, will not be found in a Hall of Fame. She may not even be as wise as your idea of wisdom. But she instilled in her son honor for women and pushed him to succeed and led by example. She gave him a work ethic that we need to duplicate.
It wasn’t easy. She didn’t make it to college. She got pregnant and gave birth at seventeen. So she missed out on formal education—that between the walls of institutions. But she had had smarts and never let life get her down..
            The main story line of this book is Terrence’s journey shared with a young girl at a Boys and Girls Club. She is seventeen and unwed but expecting. This composite female s looks to him as a mentor. He is trying to instill in her that life is not easy. That if you really want something and you work at it hard enough, you will get it. That a dream is worth pursuing no matter the obstacles. .
            Meanwhile, she has to drop out of school because she gets pregnant by a young man who is not really a good possibility for a father. This young lady has potential. Her dream is to be a fashion designer. But with the baby she has to put her plans on hold.
            Terrance tells the stories his mother told him as he struggled to become what he is today. Each chapter ends with a comment by his mother and a comment by another man about the mother who raised him.
            The book has a photo album in the middle.
            Motherhood brings with it wisdom that needs to be passed on. Terrence J. has done a good job.  It should be read by all who need a bit of motivation to keep on keeping on.
 The subtitle is “The Lessons That Made My Life Rich.” Maybe it can do the same for you.
 If you want a copy I will give you this link to Amazon.
The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich

Thursday, May 1, 2014

When We Were on Fire by Addie Zierman you ever felt you didn’t fit in with your fellow believers?  Have you ever questioned your belief system? Have you been puzzled by the terms you use?
  This is a memoir of a person who grew up in a Christian environment, the expectations of her group, the teachings, the life style, and her journey to a place where she was her own person.
   Clichés have the ability to turn into movements and become culturally accepted.  Soon words get redefined and lose meaning.
   Zierman became a Christian at the age of five. Her life was lived in a Christian ghetto of terms and expectations.  She got caught up in the fervor of the 90’s Jesus movement and the expected lifestyle.
   Her journey out of the cocoon to a life of her own is handled well.
   The first chapter reads like a dream sequence, but it is important. From chapter two on we are in first person viewpoint. Zierman takes us through the teen years and into married life. Her search for an acceptable church will be sure to stir recognition.
    Her faith had to grow to where she could handle life. All Christians need to get to that place     
     This journey had to be told. I feel there is a little journey in all of us that we take when we become related to God through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.  Reading Zierman in places makes you laugh and in other places makes you cringe. But it is realistic.
     She has a blog that you can visit at This link
     This book was received for free from Blogging For Books for this review. Any viewpoints expressed are those of the reviewer and don’t reflect the views of the publisher.