Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Instinct by T.D. Jakes

For people who enjoy the easy writing style of Jakes this will prove to be a good addition to their library.
It has the subtitle ‘The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive.’ The contention being that we all have instincts for what works well for us and what doesn’t.
Our instincts, he writes, are the treasure map for our soul’s satisfaction. Following our instincts can make the crucial distinction between what we are good at—our vocation or skill set—and what we are good for—the fulfillment of our purposeful potential.
 He also notes-- instincts are the product of what we have and what we want to have.
He adds-- they are the inner compass guiding us from where we are to where we want to go.
This is not a how-to book. It is not a one plan fits all. It is more on the line of an inspirational thought providing look at potential and possibilities.
Some people are born knowing what they want to do and tend to persue it. Others are not so attune to their inner instincts of what is the right profession for them to persue. They need to develop the inner instinct, which Jakes says, we all have.
 Since we have an inner alignment feature, contends Jakes, we can align ourselves to the best calling for our lives. Some gravitate to caring for others. Some feel an urge to create materials to help in the betterment of society. All have a purpose that is best met by following their instinct.
This is a motivational book. Jakes doesn’t try to force you to any viewpoint. He just paints a picture and allows the reader to join in on the journey.
We all need exposure to activate the instincts that belong to us. The fact is that you can’t very well be what you do not see. It is the exposure to the possibilities that awaken the instinct in you, Jake postulates. Within these pages he offers you the push to get the exposure.
I offer this book to all who know there is something more out there and they are willing to explore the subject.
 For those of you who want to order the book from this site: 
Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive

Sunday, April 27, 2014

God Is Just Not Fair by Jennifer Rothschild

        If you have ever asked: does God care?, does God hear my prayers?, Is God even there?, than this may be a book you should pick up and read.
        Rothschild has been blind since a teen and has had a chance many times to ask these questions and to seek answers. She is a minister’s child and knows her Bible. So she isn’t looking at it from the doubter’s viewpoint. She knows whom she believes.
But when she sees around her God healing and blessing some others she wonders why them and not her?
She postulates there are six big questions of faith. In this short book she looks at and discusses each dividing the book into six parts and 30 chapters.
I found this book written in a style that is easy to digest. These are questions that are asked by all thinking people. They have been asked for a long time and you would think God gets tired of hearing them. But He doesn’t.
We are not the first. Job asked. He got an answer. God is sovereign. We cannot know exactly why, but we can know ultimately it is according to God’s plan.
Rothschild reminds us of this fact.
I review for BookLook BloggersThis book should be read by every Christian and put in their library.
This book was sent to be free from Booklook Bloggers to be reviewed. I was not required to give a positive review. Any opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and not those of the publisher.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Command Authority by Tom Clancy

                He has done it again. He has authored a book that will have you on the edge of your seat. That is, if you like thrillers that seem to be taken out of today’s headlines.
                Russia is invading Ukraine, the small area of Crimea. The Russian President, Veleri Volden wants to restore Russia to what it once was.
                That is one level of plot.
                It starts with a visit to the President of the United States- Jack Ryan, Sr. The visitor is an old friend from the soviet bloc. It is discovered he is dying of a radioactive agent. The United States will be blamed for the death.
Meanwhile the president hears of the attack planned on Crimea. President Ryan has to protect Ukraine.
                Meanwhile Jack Jr. is now in London working as an accountant for a firm. But he can’t hide he is the President’s son. He is being followed everywhere he goes and soon he is involved in espionage.
                The story is told in two time lines. The present day is backed up with thirty years ago where it all began. The story is told mostly in the present day  
                The people following Jack Jr. are from a gang called seven strong men. Soon people are dying. And as in most Clancy tales you don’t know who to trust for safety.
                The story is typical Clancy. But in saying typical I must not be misinterpreted to mean same. It is not a put down. Clancy was able to tell good stories that had multiple layers.
                Clancy died in November 2013 and the copyright on the book is 2013. Just how did he know Russia was going to attack Crimea?
                This book is coauthored by Mark Greaney who also coauthored Treat Vector.
                If you like Tom Clancy and enjoy fast action that intensifies and doesn’t slow, you will enjoy this book.
Command Authority (Jack Ryan)