Friday, December 26, 2014

Jesus J. D. Greear

       For those who walked and talked with Jesus when He was here it must have been a wonderful time. They had a chance to ask anything they wanted and get an answer. When Jesus left He promised to send the Spirit to live within the Christian. This Spirit would be inside them at all times to guide them in remembering what they had been taught.
       Since all that Jesus taught is contained in scripture we will have questions that only He can answer. In our body He can be in as many places as there are people who are His. When we have questions we can have instant access to Him.
       This is the premise of the idea of Jesus continued. When He was here He had a body and could only be one place at a time. Now, in the Spirit, He can dwell in each person We have instant access when we need it. It is like having a private audience with God to explain what we need to know.
Greear points out that only the scripture not feeling are what the Spirit used to reveal His leading.
       This book is a welcome addition to the literature about the Spirit of God. It is easily read and understandable. I feel every person who struggles with the concept of God in the body of Jesus and God in the Spirit will enjoy this book.
      I was sent this book free from for the purpose of reviewing it for the book review blogging program. I was not required to give it a positive review. The views expressed are those of the reviewer and don’t represent the view of the publisher.
     Those wishing to buy a copy of the book can purchase it below.

     Jesus, Continued...: Why the Spirit Inside You is Better than Jesus Beside You

 I review for BookLook Bloggers

Friday, December 12, 2014

Inside the Criminal Mind by Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D.

They are different. If you were to look at them they don’t seem different. But they are and the area it shows up most is in the thinking.
A person not of a criminal mind will perhaps do something wrong and feel shame. A person with the criminal mind, no matter what the age, can do things and not feel remorse. Maybe they may even conclude that the other person somehow deserved it.
It can be traced to the childhood period. It starts out with lack of feeling for others and their property. It is seen in the attitude of superiority to authority. A person with the criminal mind set sets up and lives by different rules and may get violent or quiet whatever suits the purpose.
To use psychological terms we can ask-Is it nurture or nature?
This revised and updated edition of a study of the criminal mind is welcome. It may not answer the question to your satisfaction, but it presents something to think about.
Samenow spends time analyzing the activities of the criminal mind. He seems to say it is nature not nurture that causes it. That paired with the habit of others to placate or try to smooth over the mishaps of the criminal person.
It is a very enjoyable read for sociology classes. It could be a recommended read.
This book was sent to me free from to be reviewed. I was not obligated to give it a high rating. The opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and do not expressed any views of the publisher.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Playing Saint by Zachary Bartels

Here is another entry into the Christian suspense genre. It concerns good and evil in the world told as a murder story. The mystery genre is a good vehicle to talk about good and evil as there can be bad people and good people portrayed in standard garb.
The elements are here. A couple of victims, a sleuth, a detective, and a criminal.  This being in the suspense motif we early on know who did it and just are waiting for the revealing to others of the perpetrator. There is a twist in this story handled artfully. It is a satisfying and unexpected.
 What I will say is Bartels uses one of Agatha Christie’s plot twists  and handles it well. I will not give a spoiler.
Sometimes evil uses good to achieve its goal. Under the surface things are different than appearances.
The main character is a pastor. He is a popular preacher but not firm in his theology. He is called in to help locate the killer who is leaving satanic signs on his victims. His adventure leads him to the pit of evil and challenges his application of his training.
Before the end comes he will confront evil in a way that is life threatening.
I understand this is Bartels’ first novel and I can see many more in the future should he choose to continue as an author.
This book was sent to me free from for the purpose of reviewing and placement on my book blog. The views expressed are those of the reviewer and not the publisher.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How To Kill a Unicorn by Mark Payne

It is a completely different world—that of an innovator. But someone has to do it. And it is easy to get stuck and not forward moving. 
 A whole new set of thoughts and perceptions have to be considered to move ahead. To be inventive one must see more than what is visible. One must also consider future needs and ways to address them while at the same time not losing perspective.
A whole company has grown up to meet the need of casting vision. One must deal in reality while moving the idea made product to market. There are questions to ask and solutions to be implemented.
 Payne presents in this book the idea innovation carries risk. It is possible to create impossible solutions. These are what the book refers to as unicorns. He starts with the innovation Samsung underwent and moves into how innovation turned plan water into the Vitamin Water craze we are in today.
But not every idea takes off. This is where the risk is.
Payne introduces us to a group called Fahrenheit 212 – 212 degrees Fahrenheit being the temperature at which water boils. That may be the inference of the company title.This book should be read by everyone interested in innovation.
 This book was sent free from Blogging for for the purpose of reviewing. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and not of the publisher or the Blogging for Books site.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Worthy of Her Trust by Stephen Arterburn and Jason B. Martinkus

    Trust is very foundational to any relationship. It is especially foundational to a marriage. It is a basic building block that should be in place. If it is shaky or missing the foundation is broken.
        Trust must then be regained.
        For men the issue often is in the sexual area, is the thesis of this helpful book. Unknown to her is that schoolyard view of that pornographic magazine. Or that computer picture you came across “by accident”. You know which one. The one that made you eager to explore more until you view females in a way they are not meant to be viewed.
        Martinkus along with Arterburn bravely open themselves to scrutiny, and we. a reader, are better for it, especially we men who are married.
        Our wives need to feel a part of our lives. When we don’t hold ourselves accountable to them we miss so many blessings.
        Although this book is geared toward marriage I feel each young man should read it. Maybe it should be handed out as a discussion area in a premarital class. It has the subtitle what you need to do to rebuild sexual integrity and win her back.       

      If it isn’t too late this will help you walk the walk. If you have gone across the line this book will help you establish and reinstate boundaries.
       I received this book free from the for this review. All opinions expressed are that of the reviewer and not the publishers. I was not required to give a positive review.