Time is important. There is so much
you can do with time. In this case we look at the change a half hour can do. In
a half hour you can change your life
path. You could change your character. You can establish or ruin a relationship.
That half hour is important.
as well as life is a gift. All of us are given the same amount of time. Once it
is past we can’t bring it back. We can’t
grasp it and bottle it. All we can do is decide to use or not use it. The power
packed in small amounts of time is ours.
presents us with 30 action packed power principles. At the end of his presentation he has a
personal power action plan we can use in small groups or individually.
found this book to be thought provoking. It makes one consider just what he is
doing with the time given to him and how he can make an impact in the world
around him. Barnett even includes family time in the discussion A person
doesn’t need large lumps. The small periods will do.
book will be on sale December 17. I was
sent a copy free from WaterBrook Publication to review. I was not required to
give a positive review and any viewpoints expressed are mine and not those of
the publisher.