Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chasing Francis by Ian Morgan Cron

          What lessons can a Franciscan of long ago teach us today? I mean, if we really wanted to find principles for a better walk with God.
            As our story begins Pastor Charles Falcon has come to a crisis point. Does he still believe what he preaches? His elders force him to take time off as the pastor of the congregation he founded. He decides to spend time with his uncle who is a Franciscan priest learning about Francis Of Assisi. Searching  for grounding  Falson finds importance is not in being head of  a congregation but in service to others.
            The book is subtitled A Pilgrims Tale,  As Pastor Falcon explores layer by layer who Francis of Assisi really was, he comes to see the contributions made by this visionary.
            Is this a book that I would want others to read?
            It is a good easy to follow journey motif. It is a quest to find a meaning to life. Cron has a protagonist who is questioning what he believes and why.
           He sends the protagonist on a quest of sorts to rediscover the basis for leadership. He has lost his purpose for belief and has stopped struggling. Through his search under the guidance of his uncle who is the Franciscan priest Falson finds peace and regains his basis for belief.
            This is a book for general reading. There is no great doctrinal shift required. It is just a good read.
            I was given this book free to review  as part of the  Blogging For Books program. All opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and do not reflect the publishers’.
.        I was not required to give a positive review.