The first thing you realize when you open this book and start reading is this author knows how to manage word pictures. Lucado establishes from the beginning the need of an anchor in our life. He starts with the picture of a ship surviving an hurricane because it is grounded in bedrock.
He offers three anchor points or boulders to use in the stream of life. They are solid points to brace your philosophy of life on.
Futility, failure and finality are the three storms that enter every life lived. But he points out there is hope of surviving by going through.
The anchor, he puts forth, was laid in six hours one Friday.
Lucado , in his story teller style, reminds us that Jesus is the only anchor we have been given to make it through the three storm points he presents.
The structure of the book is six chapters per anchor point and three anchor points for nineteen chapters counting the introduction. There is a study guide included for small groups.. This will be a book you will need to study to firm up your belief system.
This is an interesting book. Each chapter is independent of the other and can be read in whatever order you choose. I recommend you take one point at a time and digest the six chapters under that anchor point.
If you have a soft heart you may find yourself emotional,
Lucado is that good a story teller. In the telling of the story he never lost sight of the truth. .I would recommend this for new believers and others on the journey.
BookSneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of the book to be reviewed . I was not required to give a positive review and any opinions expressed are those of the reviewer and not those of the publisher.